Friday, January 17, 2014

Top 10 Sprites

If you have already checked the piq link out you know how much artwork there is. For those of you who have not at the time of writing this I have produced 147 pieces of artwork for this game. Now that's a lot. There's a lot of animations. It's a lot to scroll through. So I have made a list of some of the coolest artwork and concepts. This will be in a top 10 list. So if you don't want anything spoiled look away!

Coming in at #10 we have the trumpet! You will be able to buy this and play on the streets to earn money. Hey you could spend it on a nice hotdog or you could buy another instrument!

At #9 we have the greenlin. This mythical creature carries around a mossy stick. It's menacing horn stands out in a bright yellow color to warn off enemy's. There's also a baby greenlin which is shown below

Watch out for these guys! There's more updates about these guys coming soon.

Phone Menu
Were at #9 with the phone menu. This is a menu with of a phone in which you can buy. You can also install apps with this phone. It serves important roles but it's more of a side-quest!

What's this flying through the sky? It's the helicopter of course coming in at #7 on our list! This thing is on the search for a mysterious creature that was spotted. You may also get to ride one of these...

It's not the helicopter again It's the plane which flew into #6 on our list. This thing is like a main mode of transportation in the game. That is if you earn enough for a expensive trip!

Jealousy Shine Form
This is Jealousy it's a enemy in which you fight in the game. The emotion is represented by a diamond wearing a fancy top hat and monocle. Have you ever just wanted to fight emotions? Well this game is for you!

A seagull?!?! That's right a seagull. These baddies may not look like much but they sure are smart. Watch out as they may steal your food. When defeated they drop food. Did you know that in real life a seagull once went into a connivence store and stole a bag of chips?

Were at #3! This is where things get serious! This is the first boss on the list He is like a cyclops but only has 3 eyes. Be sure to watch out for this beast! He will surely try to block your path and stop you from continuing on your journey.

The second boss on our list is pretty cool. It's a huge cobra with a weird coloration, menacing eyes and a long tounge. There's a lot of mysteries about this snake!

The Griffin is coming in at #1! This boss is half lion half eagle. This is one you don't want to mess with! A powerful foe indeed! I won't say much about this one but someone sends it to attack you. It's just looks really awesome too. This was probably the hardest one to make too.

Well that wraps up the Top 10 sprites. There was a lot of cool ones here too. Remember you can check out all these sprites and more at and stay tuned to the blog and Piq for more up to date updates about this game. Keep Gaming!

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