Monday, January 20, 2014

Weekly Updates Jan 13-20 14

Welcome to the first weekly update on RpgGamer's blog. In the weekly update we will be showing you the big news and updates on the progress on the RPG. Sometimes we may also be giving you a sneak peek, hints about the game and upcoming artwork. So without further ado let's start the first weekly update!

*Blog Created

Yes this weeks big news is the creation of this blog. I will use it to post about the progress of the game and also some fun things here and there. If you want more info on the blog check out the first post Blog Introduction were I explain some more about the blog and other things concerning the game.

*Programming Account Created

This week I have created the account that i'm going to use for programming the game. If you read the other post's you may have recalled about another account announcement coming shortly. Yes it's coming very soon and this is the account it was talking about. I can't say anything yet but the announcement will be made this week.

*Demo Started

The demo for the RPG has been started! I have been programming it for the past couple of days. It will probably come out soon but in the meantime I will give you a sneak peek at some of the backgrounds.

These are some of the backgrounds for a beach. I'll leave you to look at these and think what some possibilities of the game might be.

*Playable Character Programming

This week I also started programming a playable character for this game. The lifeguard as you can see down below he has walk cycles I won't list them all but here is one of his motions.

I haven't decided what the main character you play as will look like. I'm not sure but I think i'm going to let you guys vote again!

*Help Wanted!

We need some help and we posted for it on another blog post. It was help on deciding what battle system to use for the RPG game. We need people to vote and help us decide remember your part of the production too! Here's the link to that post:

Well that does it for the first weekly update remember if you want all the news check out all of this weeks post's. Remember to look for those new post's coming this week. We'll be back with the weekly update next Monday! Keep Gaming!

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